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Compartments for Children

5 compartments for families with kids ensure your privacy but you can also use the open-space compartment with 12 seats coupes/compartments for mothers with kids contain the seats numbered 41...

Suggestions and Complaints

Our company has not met its obligations? Do you have a suggestion on how to improve our services? Tell us. We will answer the customer complaints in 30 working days....

Services for companies

...of the consignments within Slovakia (Kurier) larger groups of passengers – organisation of the journey special transportation – presentation of your company, company events, parties customer card MAXI KLASIK –...

Vlakom na hokej! ZSSK je dopravný partner majstrovstiev sveta

...a Karol Martinček Meno prepožičal hokejovému IC maskot šampionátu Macejko Michaela Grendelová Head of Media & Communication    Mob.: +421 911 101 801 E-mail: Web: Tomáš Kováč riaditeľ...


MAXI KLASIK Seat reservations in 1st class will be compulsory as of 18th May 2020. The holders of the MAXI KLASIK Pass have seat reservation for free, they can collect...

Z Bratislavy do Košíc sa IC vlakom prepravíte od decembra najrýchlejšie v histórii

...trať). Stanice, v ktorých budú IC 5xx zastavovať aj v nasledujúcom období sú Kysak, Spišská Nová Ves, Poprad-Tatry a Žilina. Od znovuobnovenia prevádzky všetkých IC vlakov, ZSSK narástol denný priemerný...

Connection buses – tickets the above mentioned information about validity, cancellations and compensations concerns the tickets for intermodal buses. For information about validity, cancellation and compensations concerning the InterCity trains (not connection bus)...

Košice – Vienna, cancellations, compensations cancellation fee is charged. Please contact our train personnel as soon as possible Compensations for a delay of 60 minutes and more you can ask for a compensation available...

Pricelist of Berths and Couchettes – Domestic Transport

Couchette ticket6-couchette compartment (2nd Class) 7 € / 12 €* 4-couchette compartment (2nd Class) 9 € / 15 €* Berth ticketSingle (1st Class) 33 € / 42 € Double (1st...

Študuj dopravu opäť vo Vrútkach. Chýbať nebude ani národný dopravca ako stabilný zamestnávateľ 13:00. Zamestnanci ZSSK prípadným záujemcom dajú všetky potrebné informácie o duálnom vzdelávaní, ktoré spoločnosť ponúka Akcia sa uskutoční pod záštitou ministra dopravy SR, mesta Vrútky, Strednej odbornej školy dopravnej...

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