Couchette ticket
6-couchette compartment (2nd Class)7 € / 12 €*
4-couchette compartment (2nd Class)9 € / 15 €*
Berth ticket
Single (1st Class) 33 € / 42 €
Double (1st Class)18 € / 27 €
Triple (2nd Class)11 € / 19 €*

*Price for passenger with zero-fare ticket

Beside couchette or berth ticket, the passenger must purchase a train ticket, which price depends on travel distance.

  • A couchette or berth ticket can be returned to 2 hours (when purchased in stations without KVC*, the limit is 3 hours) prior to the scheduled departure of the train from its initiating station.
  • For each returned couchette place we deduce a cancellation fee of 1 € from the refunded amount. The cancellation fee for each berth place is 2 €.
  • The conditions for tickets purchased online may be different. For detailed information please refer here


*KVC – komplexné vybavenie cestujúcich = Comprehensive ticket services for passengers

You can purchase a berth ticket in the e-shop, in the ZSSK IDeme by Train mobile app and at a station with a Comprehensive Passenger Equipment (KVC) system no later than 2 hours before the regular departure time of the train from the departure station. In a station without Comprehensive Passenger Equipment (KVC) no later than 2 hours and 30 minutes before the regular departure time of the train from the departure station.

If the seats are free, it is also possible to purchase them from the steward on the train.

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